Prevent Burn Out
We live in a time where we are go go go and constantly trying to get ahead at work, lift more weights at the gym, and join more networking groups. In our free time, we rarely think about taking time to slow down, rest and reflect. If you work hard and work out even harder then it’s critical to make sure you support your body properly. Athletic health consultants say, “The key is to have balance.” This will help prevent burn out, make your recovery time more effective and even increase your performance both physically, mentally and even emotionally. Exercise is an amazing way to burn calories, support a healthy cardiovascular system and increase endorphins but it can also be a stressor on the body. After a while, this stress adds up and it becomes harder and harder for your body to keep up.
Adrenal Support For Energy
The adrenal glands in particular, responsible for releasing cortisol (our stress hormone), is often the first to become worn down. When this happens we often feel fatigued, have poor sleep and a decline in our immune functioning. Adrenal insufficiency also starts to affect our athletic performance. It’s like trying to race a car with the E light on. Adrenal fatigue is one of the major contributors leading to burn out. Luckily there are many natural ways to support the adrenals. Give them the right nutrients to produce hormones and using adaptogenic herbs to keep them running efficiently and give you your energy back! If there is stress in your life and you don’t have the tools to manage it then your adrenals could suffer.